October 2017 Plymouth Magazine

In the October issue we're answering the age-old quetion: What's for dinner? Four ingredients, three local chefs, three different dishes.

Whitney Hauser has had her cat Mr. Tom for 10 years. He is a 13-year-old rescue cat whose favorite spot is her husband’s lap. Hauser’s interest in photography, however, is still quite new. She has only been taking pictures for about a year or so. “I’m still very much learning,” Hauser says.


There’s just something about pizza. Its melty, drippy, gooey, crispy, crunchy goodness satisfies deep-down cravings. There are nearly 70,000 pizzerias in the United States. Arrive at the intersection of I-494 and Hwy 55, and you’ll find four within a dough-ball’s throw.


When asked about the Looney Lutherans’ latest show, Livin’ La Vida Lutheran, creator, writer and actor Greta Grosch responds that in a sense, this show has taken 11 years to write.


Welcome to Plymouth Magazine’s first food challenge. Inspired by the Food Network show Chopped, the chefs from Rock Elm Tavern, La Cocina de Ana and Kobe were asked to include these four ingredients in their creation: red pepper, corn, zucchini and rice.


Minnesota is one of the country’s major food hubs with some of the best-known names in the food industry based here. Amid high-profile Twin Cities companies like General Mills and Cargill, food developers might be a less obvious part of the scene.


These days we hear a lot about food and kitchen hacks as a way to up your game in the kitchen, but for food professionals, finding ways to save time in the kitchen is less of a commodity and more of a lifestyle.


Does the idea of being paid to try products and offer your opinion sound exciting?


In 2011, Mark Largent set out to create a cheese curd for the food service industry that would be “Minnesota-Wisconsin” quality. A Wisconsin native familiar with the Minnesota State Fair’s curds, Largent wanted to make it possible for restaurants to offer curds as good as the ones at the fair.


Here are three suggestions from Sid’s Discount Liquors, all with hints of fall flavor, that are great for this time of year.


If you’re looking for a way to spice things up this fall, try this cocktail suggestion by Tim Martin, wine manager at Sid’s Discount Liquor. It’s the perfect drink for a crisp, cool day.


It can be hard to eat healthy as fall rolls around, but it happens to be an important time to eat well. Jessica Welch, a clinical dietitian at Allina Health, says vitamin D is the most common vitamin that people lack  as the weather cools down since they’re less spending time in the sun.


You’ll find many fall favorites available when you step into a Lunds & Byerlys this time of year, such as pumpkins, apple cider and a variety of festive bakery items for Halloween.